Ski Apache Reschedules Opening Day
Thanksgiving Day for most of us means turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, and pumpkin pie. For skiers in this part of the country, it means opening day at Ski Apache in Ruidoso. Alas, this year, the Heat Miser is playing tricks with the weather and the Snow Miser hasn't been able to come up with enough snow to open the runs.
Ski Apache officials sent out an alert on their Facebook page letting snow bunnies know that because of the unseasonably warm weather, opening day would be December 15, but here's the ominous part - they said weather permitting. Yup, December 15th might come and go, but unless a substantial amount of white stuff falls from the sky, there might not be any skiing then, either.
So you better do your best snow dance, and start dreaming of a white early December in Ruidoso or else those skis will just have to live in your closet until after Christmas.