Shower EP Shelter Kittens In Need At The May 27th Kitten Shower
Meet other fellow animal lovers while helping raise awareness about the needs of kittens in the shelter and how you can provide support.
Kitten season typically runs from the early spring to late fall, when a large influx of kittens and stray cats come into the shelter. This increase also puts a strain on Animal Services’ resources which is why they need your help.

If you or anyone you know has been interested in fostering kittens or wanted to participate in the Community Cat program, this is the event you want to attend. This fun-filled event will have refreshments, games, activities, and even a photo booth! There will be hands-on activities and presentations by experts in the animal welfare field.
There will also be kittens and cats available for adoption if you’re looking for a new furry family member to join your home. If you find the perfect pussycat, you can fill out an application on the spot.
Attend the El Paso Animal Services Kitten Shower on May 27th, 2023 from 9 am - 12 pm. Animal Services is located at 5001 Fred Wilson Avenue.
If you can't attend, you can also donate to help the animals being cared for in the shelter by making a monetary donation or visiting the shelter’s Amazon wishlist.
Find out more information by calling (915) 212-7297 or visit their website, Facebook, or Instagram.
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