Resler Westbound Exit Ramp Reopens
More good news to report for west El Paso commuters. The months-long shut down of the Resler westbound exit ramp has come to an end.
You can now get to the new and permanent Resler exit ramp via the Sunland Park Drive exit from I-10 West. There's still work to do, so for now you'll have to proceed to the signal lights on Sunland, and then drive forward towards Resler.
Once crews complete the westbound CD lanes in the coming weeks, you will be able to bypass the traffic lights to get to Resler. It will be a big, time-saving improvement, but not near as exciting as it used to be with all that weaving, braking, and incoming traffic. Remember? Good times, man, good times.
As 93.1 KISS-FM previously reported, exiting onto Resler from I-10 Westbound is now a thing of the past. Access to the new Resler exit ramp will be from the CD lanes that run alongside the interstate only.
The new roadway pattern is illustrated below. Thanks TxDot El Paso, it's so pretty! And informative.
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