As you’ve probably heard or perhaps experienced first-hand, the Resler westbound exit ramp in west El Paso is now closed and will be inaccessible for approximately three months.

Texas Department of Transportation officials say the closure is necessary so crews can finish building the westbound collector-distributor lanes and connect the new Resler exit ramp to the new CD lanes.

What you may not know is that even after the project is completed in the spring, you still won’t be able to exit onto Resler from I-10 Westbound. Instead, motorists’ access to the new Resler exit ramp will be from the CD lanes. Exiting onto Resler from I-10 Westbound will be a thing of the past.

The artistic rendering of the final design below shows how that section of the roadway will look and how traffic will flow going forward.

In the meantime, if you want to get to the businesses and other local destinations you used to access via Resler you’ll have to take the Executive Center or Sunland Park exit ramp and go up Sunland or Executive to Mesa, or continue on I-10 and use the North Mesa exit ramp.


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