Could it be true? Could the iconic Charcoaler hamburgers be filling up bellies in west El Paso again? Well, according to KFOX, the beloved drive-in burger joint on Mesa could once again be grilling up delicious burgers.

The drive down Mesa got a lot more interesting when people starting noticing the marquee of the Charcoaler that closed earlier this year. The hopeful message said “Opening Soonish.” The owners of Charcoaler took everyone by surprise when they announced that January 31 would be the last day in the 56-year-old history of the restaurant. People lined up for blocks in the last few weeks that they were open. Everyone got one last bite of their favorite order, and then, they were closed for good.

There was a glimmer of hope around June when Charcoaler announced that they would sell the restaurant if someone would run it the way it had be run by the family, but for months and months, there were no bites, pardon the pun, from prospective owners.

But now it looks like Charcoaler will reopen at the same location, and the owners of Wing Daddy's and Toro Burger who are working together to reopen Charcoaler say they expect to be open again before the holidays. The new owners say you'll get the iconic Charcoaler burger because they will be using the original recipes.

I'm drooling with anticipation already!

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