Free ‘Music Under the Stars’ Concerts Start Sunday
Music Under the Stars, one of El Paso’s signature summer events, is scheduled to get underway this Sunday, June 3, at the Chamizal.
"Wait, Whaa? Don't you mean the Cohen Stadium?" you might be asking yourself. No, not this year. This year they're flipping the script. The first four concerts will take place at the Chamizal and all of July’s performances — including the 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular — at Cohen Stadium.
The change was made at the request of the United States Department of the Interior, which oversees the Chamizal National Memorial, because of federal budget and manpower concerns.
El Paso's Fixed Idea gets the honor of kicking off the 34th season of MUTS. The hometown favorites have won over audiences and critics with a diverse and unique multicultural sound they describe as "Chuco town Ska," although they do play a variety of genres including Rock and Cumbia. The free concert will get underway at about 7:30 p.m.
As you gather your family, friends and picnic items for Sunday's show, keep in mind that outside alcohol is not permitted at the Chamizal, however there will be vendors on site. Pets and glass containers are also no-no's.
Music under the Stars will take place every Sunday through July 22. for those who like to plan ahead, here is where you can find the 2018 Music under the Stars Lineup.
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