KFC No Longer Finger Licking Good In COVID-19 Era
If you dig you some KFC, you'll still be able to get that finger lickin' goodness, you just won't be seeing their iconic slogan for a while. As with everything that is happening this year, thanks coronavirus.
The lovely folks at Kentucky Fried Chicken say that they know you love their chicken but they want to make sure you know that they are totally woke about this whole COVID-19 pandemic so they are putting "Finger Lickin' Good" on hold for the time being. Officials with KFC said the slogan seems out of step with safety measures that everyone should be taking right now to help avoid the spread of COVID-19. The "Finger Lickin' Good" slogan has been around for a very long time, 64 years to be exact, so pressing pause on its use was no small thing. The company came up with a clever video with their slogan blurred out to announce their decision:
The only thing that is going away is their slogan. Kentucky Fried Chicken officials say that their menu items won't change. They also said that the "Finger Lickin' Good" slogan will return when the time is right, which means after COVID-19 doesn't have us washing our hands every other minute.
This isn't the first time Kentucky Fried Chicken made a big change in their brand. They had been Kentucky Fried Chicken ever since they opened up in the 1950s but then changed their name to KFC in 1991. There were a lot of theories as to why including that they didn't actually use chicken, which is nonsense, and that they were losing customers because of the word "Fried" in the name, but that isn't true either. This blog says it's because of licensing rights with the state of Kentucky. Whatever the reason, KFC is still one of those brands that have been around forever and it seems like they still will be even after the COVID-19 pandemic.
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