‘Jeopardy!’ 3-Way Loss Is a Rarity Among Brainiacs
Well, here's something you don't see too often.
In case you missed it, Monday's episode of Jeopardy! ended with all three players with no money, meaning there was no champion and a whole new set of players would join the game the next night.
The stakes were certainly high: two players entered "Final Jeopardy" tied with $13,800 apiece, while the last player had $6,000. Each contestant wagered all the money they had, but, unfortunately, they each got the question wrong.
The question? "A 1957 event led to the creation of a national historic site in this city, signed into law by a president whose library is now there too."
Don't know it? Don't worry. Neither did any of the three players.
All told, that's $33,600 that went poof, an amount of money you don't see disappear this quickly outside of an unlucky blackjack hand at a high roller table in Vegas.
The three-way loss doesn't occur too often on Jeopardy!, but it has happened before: