Obscure Jeapardy! Clue about El Paso Leaves El Pasoans Baffled
You can learn a lot watching Jeopardy! For example, I just learned one of our International Bridges is officially known as ‘The Good Neighbor International Bridge’.
Whaa? I know, right? In case you missed it, Thursday’s episode of Jeopardy! (4/8/21) included the category “Places in Texas,” and included a clue about the river that separates El Paso and Juarez.
For $200 contestants had to give the correct answer – in the form of a question, of course, to this clue: “The ‘Good Neighbor’ Bridge is one of several that cross this river from Juarez, Mexico to El Paso”
The correct answer, as I’m sure you know is, ‘what is the Rio Grande’. But if you find yourself wondering, as I did, which bridge residents on both sides of the border cross daily is the Good Neighbor Bridge, you are not alone.
I’ve lived here over thirty-five years and I have never heard any of our international bridges referred to as that by anyone. I've heard of ‘the free bridge’, the Stanton Street Bridge, Zaragoza Bridge, and the real busy one in the heart of downtown they call the Santa Fe Street even though it's actually on South El Paso Street.
Well, turns out The Good Neighbor Bridge is the official name of the Stanton Street Bridge. Whaa? Yup.
Prepare to learn more about our bridges than you’ve ever wanted or needed to know. Well, unless you have dreams of being on a brainiac-type game show one day. Then, this is must-know information.
The Good Neighbor International Bridge
According to Wiki, the Good Neighbor International Bridge, known to those of us from around here as the Stanton Street Bridge, is also known as ‘Friendship Bridge’, ‘Puente Río Bravo’ and ‘Puente Ciudad Juárez-Stanton El Paso’.
It was given the name The Good Neighbor International Bridge in 1967 per a decree from President Lyndon B. Johnson after it was reconstructed as part of the Chamizal Treaty between the US and Mexico.
The decree states, “we name the bridge rising between the two the "Good Neighbor Bridge", in commemoration of the spirit uniting our nations.”
The decree also states:
Mindful of the history of El Paso and Ciudad Juarez, we name the bridge closest to the sierra the "Paso del Norte Bridge". It stands as a memorial to those who pioneered this area. The bridge to the east joining our two countries, we name the "Bridge of the Americas". It is a reminder that the cities stand upon a major route of travel and commerce between Mexico and the United States.
Locally, Paso del Norte Bridge is the Stanton Street Bridge, and the Bridge of the Americas is the one we refer to as the "Cordova Bridge" and "Free Bridge". The Zaragoza Bridge is officially the Ysleta Port of Entry.
Other Times El Paso Was an Answer or Clue on Jeopardy! – 2010 to Present
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