It Was So Windy In El Paso This Past Weekend…
How windy was it in your part of town over the weekend? The winds were so fierce this past weekend that it had street lights dangling, and debris and garbage were flying everywhere.
El Paso winds are no joke, and over the weekend, we saw winds of over 40 mph sweep through the Sun City, with another wind advisory expected tomorrow.
I work and live in the downtown / west side part of town, and it was so windy this weekend, I felt like the plastic bag, "drifting through the wind" in Katy Perry’s Firework song.
It was so windy in El Paso this weekend that:
- Garbage cans were toppled, strewing trash all over yards and across the city.
- Street lights were spotted dangling on the corner of Dallas and Montana.
- Traffic signs, trees, and bushes were all swaying in the wind.
- Garbage cans and port-a-potties fell over.
- Everyone’s hair was whipping back and forth in true Willow Smith fashion.
- It was so windy this weekend that the mountains were barely visible on the horizon.
- My mail landed in a neighbor’s yard a few houses down from my block.
- Small pets were in danger of flying away, like the Chihuahua that went airborne due to high winds in Michigan back in 2009.
- My car door got dinged by another vehicle's door. The damage was minimal, and the lady apologized immediately.
Despite all this, this weekend’s winds were pretty tame, considering that winds of up to 60+ are not unusual in El Paso.
According to weatherspark.com, the windier part of the year in El Paso lasts for about four and a half months, from February to June, with average wind speeds of more than 9 miles per hour. While the windiest day of the year usually falls in mid-April, with an average hourly wind speed of 11 miles per hour.
By this timetable, we can expect more windy days for the next month and tomorrow as well. Accuweather.com has issued a High Wind Watch in Effect for tomorrow afternoon through the late evening with wind gusts up to 60 mph.
With more windy weather on the way, make sure you watch for flying debris, bring in your pets and plants, keep a tight grip on those car doors, and mask up because it helps save your face from all the dust and dirt flying.
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