Ice Cream May Soon be Available at the Touch of a Button
It may soon be possible to have a Keurig-like machine that will dispense soft serve ice cream for one at the touch of a button. Considering how hot summers get in El Paso, this particular product from ColdSnap may be a welcome addition to many homes in the area.
ColdSnap debuted a prototype at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show and is projected to have them available for purchase as early as mid-2021. Those people in a hurry to be among the first to purchase one of these machines may experience a bit of sticker shock as the price is currently $1,000. ColdSnap has indicated they are aiming to cut down the price by half, but when that may be isn’t clear. $500 for an ice cream machine is still a bit steep in my opinion.
For those that are wondering what the ecological impact these machines may have, the pods it uses are aluminum which will facilitate being able to recycle its containers.
If it were to catch on though, it would be reasonable to expect that the price would continue to decrease as it becomes more of staple item in one’s home. Similar to how VCR’s and DVD players started out as expensive before eventually being inexpensive enough to be able to pick one up as an impulse buy.
Imagine wanting some ice cream and then checking your freezer and realizing you’re all out. You plan on changing out of your dirty clothes and into something more respectable for public view but remember you’re behind on laundry. All you’ll have to do with this machine is walk to a different area of your kitchen (dirty pjs and all), enter a quick-freeze pod into your machine, press a button, and then instantly get to the brain freeze portion of enjoying an ice cream. All in all, not a bad deal, but I for one will wait until they are much more affordable before adding a ColdSnap to my home.