Roses are red; violets are blue. I can't write a love letter, and probably neither can you. According to a new survey, six out of ten people -- women and men alike-- say they'd love to get a handwritten expression of affection on Valentine’s Day. And no, a texted "I heart you" doesn't count! Unfortunately, not many of us are skilled in the art of expressing our love on paper. Fortunately, I found a helpful guide to writing a letter that will go a long way towards scoring you a ton of romantic points.


1. Use extra nice stationary paper.

2. Begin with a salutation like "My darling" or "My love."

3. Begin the first paragraph with "I don't tell you often enough how I love you."

4. In the second paragraph, be specific about why you love your sweetie -- their charm, their humor.

5. In the third paragraph, write about your hopes and expectations for your relationship.

6. In closing, don't just write "Love, (Your Name)." Write something like "All my love to you" or "My love to you, now and always."

7. As an added touch, spray the love note with your signature scent. Ladies should consider sealing it with a lipstick kiss.

8. Don't just hand it over; tape it to the bathroom mirror, stick it in their jacket pocket, or tuck it into their lunch bag. Some place you think they'll be surprised to find later.

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