How El Paso Shooting Victims May Apply For Funds
After the Walmart mass shooting on August 3rd, the world came together to raise money for the victims. The One Fund El Paso held a press conference on Friday (September 13) to update the community on the monies raised. The One Fund El Paso is asking anyone who was at either the Walmart or Sam's Club and was impacted by the shooting to fill out an application for funds at www.nationalcompassionfund.org.
The fund is also asking the community for input on how the money should be distributed. You can express your opinion via the website above. They will also have a public town hall meeting at Bonham Elementary School on Thursday, September 26th. Bonham Elementary is at 7024 Cielo Vista. The One Fund el Paso also announced that they will stop taking donations on November 25th. The fund has raised about 6 million dollars for the victims so far.
During the press conference, it was made clear that no distinction will be made concerning nationality. In other words. both Mexican nationals and US citizens who were impacted by the shooting will qualify for the funds.
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