Here Is a List of All the Wonderful Things That Will Happen at BaconFest 2016
The thing about bacon is that it sucks the air out of a conversation. Once someone says "bacon," your eyes glaze over and you're suddenly transported to a delicious place. So, no one ever asks us, "Exactly what will happen at BaconFest?" And that's because -- does it matter? As long as bacon is there, everything else will work itself out, right?
This is mostly true. If you just wandered out to Union Plaza on Sunday, April 17, and did nothing but eat bacon-infused treats from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., no one could ever blame you. BUT, there will be lots of other fun things to do and see, and it shall truly be magnificent.
Don't deny yourself bacon-y magnificence!
2016 Sun City BaconFest Schedule of Events
- 11 a.m. -- Doors open. The bacon gods smile down on us
- 11:30 a.m. -- Dusty Border Boys band takes the stage. Boogie time.
- 1:15 p.m. -- Bacon-Eating Contest. Tell your arteries to shut up. (Sign up at the Laughter Hours Comedy booth.)
- 1:45 p.m. -- Hog Calling Contest. Soooo-eeee, pig, pig, pig. (Sign up at the Laughter Hours Comedy booth.)
- 2 p.m. -- 202 band takes the stage. Resume the boogie.
- 4 p.m. -- KLAQ & Article 15's Extreme Bacon Challenge from Crave. Even WATCHING other people eat bacon is fun.
- 4:45 p.m. -- Bacon-oke. Karaoke, but with bacon. (Sign up at the Laughter Hours Comedy booth.)
- 6 p.m. -- Go home. No more bacon. Come back next year. We love you.
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