
BaconFest Returns!
BaconFest Returns!
BaconFest Returns!
Sunday, April 23 won't be the best day to be a pig in El Paso. The Sun City BaconFest will be sizzling, and you won't believe what people will put bacon in!
Sun City BaconFest Menu Sneak Peek
Sun City BaconFest Menu Sneak Peek
Sun City BaconFest Menu Sneak Peek
For weeks I’ve been wondering what sort of bacon goodies I can expect at Sun City BaconFest, that is until I discovered the menu listing all the pork belly greatness that's going to be featured out there!
BaconFest Returns
BaconFest Returns
BaconFest Returns
Imagine a place where the bacon flows like a waterfall of meaty goodness. It is real, my friend. We can lead you to such a place. The Sun City BaconFest is back April 17.

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