Here Are The Rules And Locations For El Paso County You Need To Know Before You Vote Today
If you’re planning on voting today, there are some things you need to know about before you go.
First thing, you can only vote at your assigned precinct. If you don't know where that is, click here. Go to the Selection Criteria drop down menu, login with your information to click through to find out your polling place.
You’ll need one of the following IDs to vote, and it has to be be current, or be expired for less than 4 years:
• Texas driver license issued by the Department of Public Safety
• Texas election ID certificate
• Texas personal ID card
• Texas license to carry a handgun
• US military ID card with your photograph
• US citizenship certificate with your photograph (doesn't need to be current)
• US passport
If you don't have any of these, you will either have to sign a sworn statement that there is a reason why you don't have any of the IDs, and bring one of the following:
• Valid voter registration certificate
• Certified birth certificate
• Current utility bill
• Government check
• Paystub or bank statement that includes your name and address
• Copy of or original government document with your name and an address (original required if it contains a photograph).
You can’t electioneer to loiter within 100 feet of the entrance of the building in which a polling place is located. That includes but is not limited to wearing or exhibiting a badge, insignia, emblem, or other similar device item relating to a candidate, measure or political party.
If you want to take a ballot selfie, you can’t. Photography is not allowed within 100-feet of polling stations.
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