Are you guilty of getting distracted while driving on the freeway because you took too much time trying to read the hilarious TXDOT high way signs?

If you said yes, welp you’re the reason those signs will not exist anymore!! Ok, I’m being dramatic but also, I’m not.

Look, I’m guilty of getting distracted with those hilarious signs too but I am sad to hear that the government is putting an end to those hilarious highway signs. 

*Cue Dramatic Music*

Courtesy: Business Insider
Courtesy: Business Insider

According to Business Insider, The Department of Transportation is cracking down on those hilarious freeway signs, claiming that funny messages on road signs can be major distractions and even lead to accidents. 

They argue that these witty gems take longer to read, confuse drivers, and might just be more trouble than they're worth. 

Emily Slape
Emily Slape


Personally, I loved those hilarious signs and some of them even stuck with me because they were so clever and during the holiday’s those signs were even more precious, but I can see why these signs can be a distraction to others.

States have a two-year deadline to ditch the highway jokes, but before they leave us for good let's take a stroll down memory lane.

Here’s a look at what I consider the top 5 best Highway Joke Signs:

"Tailgating is for football, not highways"  

Courtesy: Business Insider
Courtesy: Business Insider

"Visiting in-laws?  Slow down, get there late"

Courtesy: Business Insider
Courtesy: Business Insider

 "Don't be a stinker, use your blinker

Courtesy: Business Insider
Courtesy: Business Insider

 "100 is the temperature, not the speed limit."

Courtesy: Business Insider
Courtesy: Business Insider

"Who ya gonna call?  Nobody . . . you're driving."

Courtesy: Business Insider
Courtesy: Business Insider

Hilarious Highway Signs


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