Fort Hancock Athletes Get Racial Slurs Yelled At Them During A Volleyball Game
Archer City, Texas is located about 25 miles south of Wichita Falls, and is the town that inspired Larry McMurty to write 'The Last Picture Show'. It is also the home of a school whose students yelled racial comments at students from Fort Hancock at a recent sporting event.
The superintendent of Archer City ISD said that students from his district chanted "Build a wall!" at students from Fort Hancock while holding Donald Trump signs during regional volleyball tournament on Friday in Snyder. Fort Hancock sits on the Texas-Mexico border.
Archer City ISD officials have apologized to Fort Hancock officials, and officials say they will be taking steps to prevent another incident like this one from happening again. They say that students will not longer be allowed to bring signs to sporting events. ACISD officials didn't discuss specific disciplinary actions for the students involved, but it will be interesting to see if the Archer City volleyball team will be able to compete in a state competition because they won the tournament.
Personally, I think the ACISD officials should pull them from the tournament. I don't know if the team participated in any way in the stupid behavior of the sign waving students, but to teach the entire student body that that kind of behavior is unacceptable, they should all be punished. It sounds harsh, but we kept asking why Republicans didn't rein in Trump's hate-speak when he was running for office. If we are going to paint the entire GOP with a racist brush, then the students of Archer City need to see that their friends behavior will color the way they are seen, as well.
The school should have to forfeit the opportunity to go to the state competition. If this type of behavior was exhibited throughout a game, the officials with the school allowed it to happen and should not be allowed to put a team in the state competition.
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