Festive El Paso Christmas Songs To Complete Your Holiday Playlist
I'm sure you have songs during the Christmas season that you put on repeat; songs that get you in the festive spirit. Then again you might have some that you can go without hearing ever again,
But how many songs talk about El Paso or are done by El Paso bands? If you can't think of any, thankfully I have some ideas right here:
Christmas in El Paso - There's 2 versions of this song that you can find:
- One by the Baton Rouge country rockabilly band Dash Rip Rock:
- & the spaghetti western band Los Wrangos from Stockholm Sweden... yes that's actually where they're from. If anything these songs are worth a play just for the novelty.
The So-Cal punk rock El Paso band Still I Stand did a Christmas cover of The Ramones' "Merry Christmas, I Don't Want To Fight Anymore".
Or perhaps you're looking for songs all about the Christmas DEVIL... Krampus. Yes there are songs about Krampus too.
Like this one from El Paso's own Epitaph Romance who not only specalize in Halloween music, they've been known to make a Christmas song called "Krampusnaucht"
And you have Obscurity Within's "Frau Perchta". According to the lead singer, Mikko Perez, this song is about the female counterpart called Lady Bertha or...Frau Perchta.
However if you want something a little more Christmasy, there's always this song by El Paso's Little King: Charity. A song all about being unselfish & caring to your fellow neighbor. This song is only found be on YouTube at the moment but you can still listen to it during the holidays.
If you want a "new" Christmas story, how about this one called Tinsel & Brimstone by the No BS Jukebox? It features 2 very talented El Paso musicians; Mike Larson & his daughter Karman "Sketchy Goat" Sloane. The same Sketchy goat who made some amazing drum art (and who animated the music video) that you can check out below.
One final mention I want to include: The Las Cruces band All Who Follow have a Christmas original tune called "This Christmas You Got Me".
Maybe we'll see more local bands make some Christmas songs in the future. But until then, Happy Holidays.