EPISD Delays Reopening of its Campuses
EPISD families who were planning on sending their children to receive in-person instruction on October 1 will have to wait until October 19 for certain student populations and October 26 for remaining students before they’re able to drop their children off at their respective campuses for instruction. EPISD announced today that they will be delaying the reopening as a direct result of the rising cases of COVID-19 in the county.
Guidance from the World Health Organization currently states that the safest point at which to reopen schools is when the rate of positive COVID-19 cases is at or below 5 percent for a sustained period of 14 consecutive days. Last week saw a steady rise in positive coronavirus cases in El Paso that have caused the current rate to be at nearly 8 percent.
EPISD also indicated that they used that 5 percent mark when it applied for its waiver to extend reopening from the Texas Education Agency. However, under their current waiver, EPISD must begin in-person instruction by October 19.
On October 19, on-campus instruction will begin for identified student populations in special education, Pre-k though grade 2, and 6th graders for five days a week. 9th graders will begin their hybrid/staggered on-campus instruction on October 19 as well.
October 26 will mark the return to on-campus instruction for all remaining students if parents indicated this choice on their instructional model survey.
For additional information, EPISD families may visit episd.org/reopeningplan

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