El Paso Water Considers Raising Stormwater Fee By 17%
Your water bill is going up again next year. The question right now is by how much.
The Public Service Board, which manages and controls El Paso Water Utilities and its systems, is currently sorting out the proposed 2017-18 stormwater budget. KFOX14 reports the PSB is looking at two options, both of which will result in a fee increase.
The first would add 61 cents to your water bill. The second would increase it by 50 cents.
Currently the average homeowner pays $3.56 monthly. Under 'alternative 1' the fee would go up 17 percent and result in a $4.17 monthly fee. Under 'alternative 2' the increase would go up 14 percent and result in a $4.06 bill."
The board prefers the 61 cent per month fee increase, which per the utilities website will allow El Paso Water to expand flood control projects, maintain the existing stormwater system, and continue to set ten percent of funds aside for dual-purpose ponds and open space projects.
A final decision will be made on January 11. The new fee would go into effect March 1, 2017.