El Paso Catholic Diocese To Begin Sunday Masses Again
For months El Paso Catholics have had to attend Sunday Mass by watching it on tv. The Catholic Diocese of El Paso was very careful about when and how much they would open their facilities back up during the COVID-19 pandemic. Diocese officials announced that they will now resume in-person Sunday Masses at 25% capacity beginning the weekend of September 12 - 13. There will still be strict disinfection and social distancing guidelines in place when Masses resume.
1. Phase 3 gatherings - 25% capacity for Mass on weekdays, Baptisms, and Eucharistic exposition will be allowed for 1 to 2 hours. Prayer in churches are also allowed during this phase.
2. Precautions - If you are sick or in an at-risk populations for COVID-19, including people who are 65 years old or older, have chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma, chronic heart disease, are severely obesity, have diabetes, and other chronic health problems, you should not attend Mass.
3. Limited capacity - Sunday Masses will only be able to have 25% capacity, so if you can, Diocese officials ask that you attend Mass on a weekday.
If you're worried about not attending Sunday Mass or go to Mass on Holy Days of Obligation, the Diocese says you are dispensed from going to Mass if you can't, but you can still watch the televised Sunday Mass.
For more information on the diocesan protocols for church gatherings, you can click on the Diocese website. You can also click on this page of the Diocese website for a list of all El Paso County churches. Their phone numbers are listed and you can call and find out when their Sunday Masses will be scheduled and how you can be part of the 25% of those who can attend.
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