Calm Down - The County Judge Didn't Make A Dent In Our LivesCalm Down - The County Judge Didn't Make A Dent In Our LivesWe are in real trouble here, and personally, I don't think that the County Judge went far enough. TriciaTricia
List Of EP Businesses That Are Closing For Two Weeks Due To COVIDList Of EP Businesses That Are Closing For Two Weeks Due To COVIDIt takes a lot for a business to sacrifice two weeks of revenue. These businesses think it's important for public safety to do so.TriciaTricia
TEA Grants EPISD Waiver For Virtual Learning Until November 9TEA Grants EPISD Waiver For Virtual Learning Until November 9Nothing is set in stone yet. The waiver still has to be voted on at this week's EPISD board meeting. We'll keep you up-to-date on any new information.TriciaTricia
El Paso Catholic Diocese To Begin Sunday Masses AgainEl Paso Catholic Diocese To Begin Sunday Masses AgainHere's what you need to know before you go.TriciaTricia