El Paso Animal Shelter Has New App To Help Find Lost Pets
There is nothing scarier for a pet parent than losing track of their fur baby. There are a number of ways you can go about finding your doggo or kitteh. You can make sure that they are microchipped and don't forget to notify whoever has the microchip information if you change your address or phone number. You can also check out the various Facebook El Paso lost pet pages to see if anyone has picked up your pet and posted about it. Of course, there are a number of shelters, including the Animal Services Shelter, that you can check if your pet goes missing.
Now, the City of El Paso Animal Services and the Department of Information Technology have figured out a new way to help find lost pets. They have developed the Interactive Pet Finder Map. The map lists the location of pets that have been found and pets that have been lost on a web page and mobile app. City officials say they hope this new web page and app helps prevent the need for pets to be taken to the shelter before being reunited with their owners.
If you lose a pet, you can use the Pet Finder Map to find out if it was taken to the El Paso Animal Services Shelter and in which part of the city it was found. You can also file a lost pet report by calling 3-1-1 to have your lost pet information posted on the map.
Hopefully you won't ever have to use the pet finder map, but if you have a pet, having this app on your phone might help you find your fur baby faster.
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