Despite News of Closure Luby’s to Remain Open ‘For a Long Time’
It turns out it’s not the end of the buffet line for Luby’s in El Paso, after all. At least, not yet.
Perhaps you heard that the company’s board of directors announced the beloved Texas cafeteria chain will begin liquidating their real estate assets and wind down operations. While that is true, it appears it won’t happen as soon as reports made it seem.
Luby's COO Todd Coutee took to social media to assure fans the restaurant won’t be going away “for a long time.” Here’s the message from Coutee pinned to Luby’s Facebook:
I appreciate the calls, texts and notes regarding our recent press release. Although these are shocking statements, we have 80 Luby's and Fuddruckers locations open to serve you! We are here today and plan to be here for a long time. Our team members are delighted to serve you and look forward to today, the holidays and beyond.
Things have not been going well financially for Luby's for a while now, and the pandemic only exacerbated the problem. Although officials still intend to sell the company and all its assets, no timeline on the liquidation has been given.
For now, the two locations that have reopened in El Paso – Hawkins, and N. Mesa -- will continue to serve up LuAnn platters and other classic fan favorites like creamy macaroni and cheese, and square fish for the foreseeable future. Get ‘em while you can.