Community Gift Drive Helping Kids at Tornillo Detention Center
You can make a difference this Christmas by donating a soccer ball to the Gifts for Good youth drive benefitting the kids at the Tornillo Detention Center.
There are over 2,400 children who are still being held in detention in Tornillo, TX and Senetor Jose Rodriguez is spearheading the Gifts for Good youth drive which aims at providing a small toy of a soccer ball to the children in detention. According to the office of Senator Rodriguez, these children are not allowed to receive gifts of any kind and that even includes visitors. Therefore, in one last act of charitable kindness for the holiday his office has received special permission which allows one gift of a soccer ball to each child.
Our community can make this holiday less excruciating for these detained kids by ordering a soccer ball from a pre-selected wish list on Amazon. To purchase a soccer ball click HERE. These gifts must be shipped no later than by December 31, 2018 and must be addressed to:
- District Office
- 100 N. Ochoa Street, Suite A
- El Paso, TX 79901
The Gifts for Good youth drive aims at putting a smile on these kid’s faces especially since they are away from their loved ones and there is no timeline as to when they will be reunited with their families. A simple soccer ball may not seem much to us but it’s one way to bring a bit of normalcy to their sheltered lives in the meantime this Christmas season.
For more information you can contact Senator Rodriguez’s office at 915-351-3500.
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