Campus Carry Begins Today At UTEP – Here’s What You Need To Know
Beginning today (August 1, 2016), it is now legal to carry handguns into university buildings in Texas, including on the UTEP campus. The campus carry law was passed in 2015, but there are a number of things you need to know about campus carry.
• Only people with concealed handgun licenses can carry guns.
• Even if you have a concealed handgun license, you cannot carry at community colleges until 2017, or private schools. They can opt out of the law.
• You cannot take your gun into sports arenas, on-campus daycare facilities, or other areas where schools have imposed bans.
• For the most part, guns are banned in dorm rooms.
Campus carry does not mean open carry. If you meet the criteria to carry a gun on campus, it has to be concealed at all times. You are encouraged to call police if you see someone with a gun.
If you have any questions about campus carry at UTEP, you can call them for more information at 747-5000.
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