I have been trying to eat healthier everyday and I find myself making food choices of fruit over french fries, or broccoli over mashed potatoes. Now when it comes to vegetables, I've always wondered what is better for you: fresh or frozen?

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When trying something like juicing, fresh is always the way to go. You don't have to wait for the vegetables or fruit to thaw, and they are processed better than frozen. Plus, a lot of vegetables that I add into my juices would not freeze very well. For instance, kale and celery just don't seem like they would take to being frozen nicely.

For eating simply in a stir fry, steamed, grilled, baked or anything in between, frozen seems like it would be easier to use. They obviously stay good longer. Throw them in the freezer ad you can pull a serving out whenever you would like and they last much longer.

Watch this video to see if fresh or frozen vegetables are better for you. The results may surprise you.

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