JACKSON TRIAL - DAY 6: Doctor Conrad Murray's past and current girlfriends hit the witness stand yesterday in his involuntary manslaughter trial ...


One of the women, Sade Anding, said she and the doctor were chatting on the phone just before noon on the day Michael Jackson died, but about five minutes into the call she realized Murray was no longer on the phone and had placed it in his pocket without hanging up. She eventually hung up and called him back twice.  He didn't answer


Then there was Nicole Alvarez, Murray's live-in girlfriend and the mother of his youngest child.  Alvarez was questioned about numerous FedEx packages for Dr. Murray that were sent to her house.  She said she received them, but never opened them, so she didn't know what was inside. Prosecutors believe it was PROPOFOL that Dr. Murray was allegedly giving Michael.

 Pharmacist Tim Lopez also testified, saying he sold and shipped more than four gallons of propofol to the Santa Monica apartment where Murray lived with another girlfriend.

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