You Can Have A “Pawliday Sleepover” With A Shelter Pet This Valentine’s Thanks To This New Mexico Shelter
Dogs. We don’t deserve them, BUT WE NEED THEM!!!
There is no better feeling than coming home from a long day at work, laying on your couch or bed and your four-legged bestie, whether it be a dog or a cat, comes over to cuddle with you and you both knock out.
Well, this Valentine’s Day why not add an extra four-legged bestie to the mix and help that shelter pet enjoy some time away from the shelter?
The Animal Services Center of The Mesilla Valley is providing locals with the chance to foster a pet this Valentine’s day thanks to their Pawliday Sleepover Foster program.
“The Pawliday Sleepover program is about—you guessed it—short-term holiday sleepovers,” read a post on the shelter’s Facebook page.
Here’s how it works:
1. Check out the dogs and cats available for Valentine sleepovers (and “regular” foster homes) in the comments section of the shelter’s Facebook post below: (A hard copy list of available Pawliday Sleepover fosters will also be at the ASCMV front desk.)
2. Complete a foster sleepover application at the ASCMV or online. Click Here for that form. (Before you take Valentine's foster, your agreement must be signed.)
3. For Valentine's sleepover, you’ll make an appointment with Vanessa at the shelter to pick up your foster after 12 p.m. on February 13th.
4. Shelter officials hope that locals will foster Valentine's pet throughout the holiday and return the dog or cat after 12 p.m. on February 15th (unless you make an alternative arrangement with shelter staff).
Benefits of Pawliday Sleepovers:
According to the shelter, sleepovers help reduce kennel stress, provide enrichment and social interaction, and increase adoptable animals’ visibility in the community. Plus, they are a great excuse to spend a dog-friendly day exploring Las Cruces or snuggling up at home!
Pawliday Sleepover Requirements:
Fostering is FREE. You MUST be 18 or older and able to provide a safe, loving, and stable environment for your Valentine's Sleepover foster pet.
The shelter will provide Valentine's foster pets with food.
So, this Valentine’s day, why not spend a few days with a shelter dog or cat for two nights to let them enjoy love during this month of love?
“There’s no one better to cuddle with than a furry friend from ASCMV. We hope you will open your heart to an ASCMV animal and bring a dog or cat home for a Valentine's Sleepover.”
If you’re not able to foster a pet you can make a donation to help feed 450 of the shelter dogs at the shelter thanks to El Paso based dog bakery, Double Dog Dare Bakery.
"Please consider donating a shelter meal or ordering some goodies for your pups. You donate the ingredients, we donate the rest,” read a post on the bakeries Facebook page.
The bakery has 100 pledges so far and is hoping locals will continue to donate so they can feed all 450 of the shelter pets.
ASCMV Pawliday Sleepover
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