UPDATE: YISD: Second Grader Collapses On Playground At Eastwood Heights School And Dies
There is some terribly sad news out of the Ysleta Independent School District today.
A young child collapsed on the playground at Eastwood Heights Elementary school earlier this week and has died.
The boy was in the second grade at the school, and officials say he was on the playground during lunchtime on Tuesday when he suddenly collapsed. The boy reportedly hit his head when he collapsed an was struggling to breathe. The child was rushed to a nearby hospital after the school nurse performed CPR.
NewsChannel 9 reports that YISD officials has said that they will not make any further comments about the incident "out of courtesy for the parents ... until the family indicates otherwise."
YISD officials were at the Eastwood Heights campus to help announce the news of the boy's death to students. Counselors from other YISD schools were brought in to help students deal with the tragic news. Parents will get a note sent home to them with their child on Wednesday.
Our sincerest condolences go out to the child's family and friends. We are praying for you all.
UPDATE: If you would like to donate to the family to defray funeral expenses, click on this link for the Go Fund Me page.