Willie Gandara, Jr. Will Resign From El Paso County Commissioners
El Paso County Commissioner "Willie" Gandara Jr. will resign his seat on Commissioners Court today. His lawyer, Joe Spencer, said he will also withdraw from the State Representative District 75 race. Gandara Jr. was in court this morning on federal drug charges after he was arrested last week.
A federal judge set a $50,000 cash bond for Gandara. During today's hearing, prosecutors played video and audio surveillance evidence they said shows Gandara, Jr. and Juan Canales engaged in illegal activity. Canales was also arrested in connection with the investigation into Gandara, Jr.
Prosecutors say Gandara allegedly set up the exchange of large loads of marijuana which was stored at a property he owned in Socorro. Gandara allegedly bragged in the video shown in court today about a small pipeline he has that runs loads of marijuana to Oklahoma and Chicago.
You can read more about Willie Gandara, Jr.'s court appearance and resignation from El Paso County Commissioners Court here, courtesy of our news partners at KVIA.