Where Can You Get Signed Up to go to The SuperBowl?
Here's where we will be, signing you up for the Super Trip to the Super Game!
January 8th be at Viva Dodge from Noon-2pm
January 14th be at Western Beverages from 4-6pm
January 15th be at Aamco Transmission from 11a-1pm
January 19th be at the Three Legged Monkey from 4-6pm
January 22nd be at the El Paso Spring Home Show from 1-3pm
January 22nd be at Brew from 7-9pm
January 29th be at Cal TV
January 30th be at J.R. Produce from Noon-2pm
Once we leave these locations, that's it...you'll have to wait for the next sign up time! We're only there for 2 hours, so you have to show up and get registered!
Good Luck!