The Super Bowl IS this Sunday, who you got? Seahawks or the Patriots? Regardless which team you root for one thing we can all agree on is the halftime show is always a spectacle. This year let's see what Katy Perry brings to the table. Until then, lets relive some of the best Superbowl halftime shows of all time.
So a lot of you reading this are probably saying, "what does this girl know about football". First of all, how cliche of you, secondly, I love football! Ever since I was 8 and my stepdad got me hooked on some Dallas Cowboys, triplet years, good old pigskin football! I went ahead and thought of my predictions for Superbowl 2014...
NOTE: This post originally ran January 31, 2011, prior to this year's Super Bowl Game. I've chosen to re-up it today in honor of our nation's birthday.
ALL 61 COMMERCIALS IN 2: If you missed any of the Super Bowl ads last weekend, and haven't had time to search for them online, AdWeek has your back. They've put together a two-minute video montage that includes clips from all 61 first and second half commercials
LEAVE IT TO BIEBER: I'm sure by now you've seen the Super Bowl commercial featuring Ozzy Osbourne and Justin Bieber, right? Now check out a video of outtakes and behind-the-scenes footage from the commercial shoot ...
THE SUPER BOWL COMMERCIALS: I loved the half time show, and I especially loved the outcome of the game. (Anyone but Pittsburg was my motto all season long!). Not so much the commercials, though. I found them pretty much hit or miss, with the emphasis on miss. But like you I did have my favorites