When Will Stay at Home Order End? Here’s What El Paso Mayor Said It Will Take
I think we can all agree we just want this whole coronavirus thing to end. We want the restrictions lifted so we can go back to work, back to the stores, back to the parks, back to living our lives.
So, what is it going to take? In a column for the El Paso Times, Mayor Dee Margo outlined the three things he says needs to happen.
We will not be ready to lift restrictions until we have a consistent decrease in the number of positive cases, our death rate diminishes, and hospital admissions are reduced.
Well, dang. So, not anytime soon then.
Margo urged everyone to take the Stay Home order seriously and comply with all the directives and recommendations so we can get back to our lives and livelihoods.
This will only happen if we truly abide by social distance limitations, do not gather in large groups, wash our hands frequently, and wear masks while in public.
You can read the mayor's entire guest column HERE.