What El Pasoans Would Splurge On If They Won Big Money On a Scratch-Off Ticket
If you won six figures playing a scratch-off game what simple, every day item would you splurge on?
It’s a question we posed on-air and online after reading that an El Pasoan recently won $805,357 on a lotto scratch ticket. There's no word on what the lucky lotto winner plans to do with her new-found wealth. Maybe something practical like pay bills or pay off debt, or something extravagant like a pimped out new car or a luxe vacation.
But, in reality, after the taxman and relatives come knocking, you'd be lucky to bank half of that. It’s still a pretty good lump sum and you could still make it rain here and there, but it would probably have to be on less pricey things.
So what would you go nuts on? No cars, no paying off debt, no homes -- just every day, wish list items that always seem to be just out of your financial reach. Something more economical -- like the simple pleasures in life Mike and Tricia Facebook fans say they would splurge on.
Here’s a sampling:
Vanessa Estrada Snacks at the movie theater.
Brittany Renae Salaiz Sounds stupid but with 4 kids I’d invest in things like toilet paper, shampoos, soap, hand soap, paper towels, and canned foods
Mark Amaro Buy all white chicken at KFC!
Squincey Silva A trip to the west side of town. Eat at Cracker Barrel
Anabel F Fierro New curtains and bedspreads
Kelley Kells laundry soap the good kind like Tide pods
Paulo Aguirre I would hire a chauffeur to drive me around everywhere and not have to worry about driving in this lovely EP traffic
Thelma Aguilar PRICES MILK!!!! No great value milk
You can read even more amusing and revealing replies and add your own HERE.
Well, I’m off to the Circle K to purchase a couple of scratchers. Here’s hoping I can prove money can buy happiness. And lots and lots of name brand, two-ply toilet paper.
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