UTEP Announces Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
There's no smoking on the UTEP campus anymore.
A new policy prohibits use of any tobacco products in University buildings as well as anywhere outside on property controlled by the University, including parking lots, sidewalks, event venues and all other University owned properties.
It's great new for people with an aversion to cigarette smoke, but understandably tough for smokers. Understanding this, UTEP is offering smoking cessation resources at the UTEP Student Health Center, the UTEP Wellness Program and the Prevention and Treatment in Clinical Health (PATCH) lab.
UTEP names the reason for the change as,
...establishing UTEP as a tobacco-free campus is another step toward creating a more healthful environment for those who work, study and visit our beautiful campus, and we hope that we can count on the cooperation of all members of the UTEP community as it is implemented.
This new policy comes only a month after one of the nation's biggest drugstore chains, CVS, announced it will stop selling tobacco products in their stores beginning October 1st.