This Is Where You Can Donate Unused Medical Equipment
If you have a pair of crutches or maybe a wheelchair that is no longer being used – then, donate it to someone in need.
I alone have a pair of crutches, a cane, and multiple medical walking boots from all my ‘accidents’. What can I say, I’m a walking hazard. These items have been sitting in my back closet for years and I never really knew what to do with them until now.
If medical equipment is taking up your space then consider donating it to PROJECT C.A.R.E.
Project C.A.R.E. which stands for Community Access to Rehabilitation Equipment is a local program created by the University Medical Center Foundation to provide rehabilitation equipment to members of the community who are in need.
Project C.A.R.E. accepts donations of new or gently used durable medical equipment and prepares them to be redistributed to patients in need.
Project C.A.R.E. is always in search of donated gently used or new hospital beds, wheelchairs, and other medical equipment.
Now more than ever families are facing economic hardships due to the ongoing pandemic and the demand for medical equipment is in high demand.
How To Make A Donation:
- Call Carolyn Williams, the Volunteer Corps Program Manager
- 915-521-7229, Ext. 80528
- Email:
If you do not have any medical equipment to donate but would like to make a monetary donation – click HERE.
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