Get ready to give the hour you got in November back.

The time of the year we inaccurately call Daylight Saving Time is upon us. (We don't really save any daylight.)

Effect 2 a.m. Sunday, March 8, 2020 we are mandated by Congress to set all the clocks that don't magically adjust themselves forward one hour -- and just like that 2 a.m. becomes 3 a.m., completely disrupting our lives, schedules and body chemistry. But that's cool; we were getting too much sleep anyway -- said no one ever!

On the upside, we get all kinds of extra time of almost unbearable heat and sunlight daily during the hot El Paso summer months, so … yay for us?

Remember, spring forward one hour before hitting the sack on Saturday March 7, or upon awakening on Sunday March 8, or you'll be super late for church and that will make baby Jesus cry.

The time change is also a great reminder to replace the batteries in your smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, and love toys. Okay, maybe not the last one -- but then again, I don't know you.

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