These Texans Are Taking T-Rex Costume Surprises to a Whole New Level And We Love It!
Ok, whoever it was that thought of creating that inflatable T-Rex costume deserves a raise!
Why? Because that costume is something that can be used not only during Halloween, but year round!
If you don’t believe me, just google “T-Rex costume” and you will see how creative people get when using the costume to put a smile on someone's faces.
Recently a video was shared online that showed a wife dressed up in the T-Rex costume as she stood inside of the El Paso International Airport to welcome her husband back. This adorable video is only one of many that showcase El Pasoans spreading the love... one T-Rex costume at a time.
Jurassic Heart: The love story you never knew you needed (Thanks, FitFam)
Most recently a video was shared on El Paso’s Fitfam Instagram that had many El Pasoans thanking the account for “cleansing their news feed.”
The heartwarming video shows a wife dressed in the T-Rex costume, standing inside of the El Paso International Airport holding a sign that reads, “Welcome Home. At least this big bang won’t turn me into a fossil.”
Instagram user @alliegritt decided to welcome her husband home by surprising him with the T-Rex costume.
In the video her husband is seen laughing when he realizes that the T-Rex in front of him is in fact his wife, then he follows up with a huge hug and the happy couple frolicks off hand in hand.
El Paso’s T-Rex Invasion: Mom Edition
During COVID, one El Paso mom decided to surprise her family while still finding a fun way to celebrate hers and her nephew's birthday.
After some late night online shopping, Ruth Holmes purchased the T-Rex costume and once it came in, she rocked the costume to put a smile on not only her family's faces, but her neighbors as well.
The reason behind the costume was simple. Ruth wanted to put a smile on her children’s face as they had to deal with being separated from their dad during the pandemic.
This El Paso Dad is Dino-mite!
Last year when the conclusion to the Jurassic Park Trilogy came out, I came across a video on FitFam of El Paso’s Instagram page that showed a few moviegoers heading to the theater in the hilarious T-rex costumes.
But there was one video I came across that just had me smiling from ear to ear and had many people commenting, BEST DAD EVER!
The video shows an El Paso dad walking hand in hand with his son as he rocks the T-Rex Costume and they head into Alamo Drafthouse.
I myself bought this costume one year for my son and I am so glad I did because now I know I can use it to either embarrass my son or to put a smile on someone's face.
Hey, I just might wear it to work one day. First, I have to figure out where the heck I left it.
T-Rex Invasion in El Paso
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