These El Paso Zip Codes Have the Most Number of COVID-19 Cases
Neighboring zip codes in the eastern section of El Paso County continue to be a hotbed for coronavirus infections, city data shows.
The zip code with the most cases as of May 10 is 79938, with a total of 193 cumulative confirmed cases of coronavirus since early March when health officials began tracking the virus. The most populous East El Paso ZIP code – 79936 – was close behind with 172 confirmed cases.
No other zip codes have over 100 as of Mother’s Day, although 79912 in West El Paso currently sits at 99, and 79928, which encompasses Horizon City, has a total of 93 cumulative positive cases.
The other high-ranking zip code -- with 75 cases -- is Socorro’s zip code, 79927, which sits on the other side of I-10 across from the 79928.
No section of the county has been left untouched by COVID-19. Three, however, are currently in the single digits: 79911 (8), 79922 (6) and 79821 (4).
COVID-19 by Zip Code as of May 10
79938 (193)
79936 (172)
79912 (99)
79928 (93)
79927 (75)
79924 (68)
79907 (66)
79915 (60)
79905 (59)
79932 (56)
79925 (55)
79903 (46)
79904 (41)
79930 (40)
79835 (39)
79934 (32)
79935 (31)
79849 (23)
79853 (23)
79902 (16)
79838 (13)
79901 (12)
79836 (10)
79911 (8)
79922 (6)
79821 (4)