It wasn't long ago that Olivia Wilde, caring person that she is, used Twitter to offer some advice to young Justin Bieber, who recently walked around London sans shirt like a tiny Canadian Matthew McConaughey.
Afterwards, she took a whole lotta heat from the world's Beliebers -- and on Tuesday, March 12, she hilariously told Jay Leno all about it.
Comedian and Talk Show host Jay Leno, who next year will celebrate his 40th year in show business, made his television debut on the show "Good Times" with J.J. Walker.
So last week Conan was a guest on Dave Letterman's show for the first time in 13 years. Seeing as how they both lost the Tonight Show to Jay Leno, the conversation naturally turned towards their experiences.
LADY GAGA SAYS MADONNA IS COOL WITH 'BORN THIS WAY': LADY GAGA has responded to the accusations that her new song rips off MADONNA'S "Express Yourself".