Second Child in El Paso County Tests Positive for Coronavirus
As the number of novel coronavirus cases continue to climb in El Paso County, so has the number of children and teens who have tested positive.
A second child has been infected with COVID-19; graphics provided by the health department show. El Paso Children’s Hospital officials confirmed over the weekend they are currently treating two children.
A hospital spokesperson told a local TV station the two child cases were unrelated, and that both had underlying medical conditions.
The number of patients aged “12 & under” and “teens” has doubled since April 2. There are now 2 children and 4 teens among the total number of confirmed cases in El Paso County.
The demographics affected the most in El Paso County continue to be those 50 and under. Other numbers of note as of 4/5:
• 16 who contracted the virus have now recovered
• 27 of the total cases have been hospitalized, with 10 currently in ICU