El Paso Animal Services is seeking temporary El Paso foster homes to help shelter lost pets in our community.

As the COVID 19 pandemic continues, pet shelters across the nation have modified everyday operations to meet the needs of their community. Therefore, Human Animal Support Services (HASS) - a new model of animal sheltering is being implemented to help keep animals in their homes and out of the shelter by increasing support and resources to match each community’s needs.  El Paso Animal Services is just one of the 30 pilot city’s joining in partnership with HASS.

Pets in El Paso are lost and found daily and according to El Paso Animal Services, statistics show that the location where the pet is found is normally not more than a couple of blocks from their home. If the person who finds the lost pet is unable to hold onto the animal and requires assistance from El Paso Animal Services, the pet’s chances of getting reunited are much higher if they are fostered by a family within the same neighborhood.

El Paso Animal Services will also provide tips to aid in reuniting the lost pet with their family as well as food, supplies, and vaccines while the lost pet is in temporary foster care.

For interested residents who would like to open their home to temporary pet foster care email MolinaEX@elpasotexas.gov with the following information:

  • Full name
  • List the type(s) of animals you would be interested in temporarily fostering
  • What neighborhood you currently live in
  • Supplies needed to provide care for the foster pet


KEEP READING: See how animals around the world are responding to COVID-19


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