One Fund El Paso Sets Up Application Assistance Online & In-Person
Persons affected by the August 3rd mass shootings have until November 8, 2019, to apply for financial assistance.
One Fund El Paso and the National Compassion Fund have joined with agencies in El Paso and Ciudad Juarez to provide help for those applying for direct financial assistance online via nationalcompassionfund.org, or in person at various offices across El Paso.
Financial assistance requests will be broken down into four types of applications and must have been present at the Cielo Vista Walmart, Sam’s Club or their respective parking lots during the attack.
- Death benefits
- Individual physical injury for victims requiring overnight hospitalization or long-term care
- Individual physical injury of victims treated at area hospitals on an emergency outpatient basis
- Individuals witnessing the attack and its aftermath
One Fund El Paso is a single entity established by the City of El Paso, the El Paso Community
Foundation and the Paso del Norte Community Foundation to streamline the process of distributing donated funds to victims of the August 3 mass shooting.
The deadline to apply for financial assistance is 11:59 p.m. on Friday, November 8, 2019. Applicants must call or email ahead to set up an appointment at any of the following locations:
- Centro San Vicente Health Center, 8061 Alameda, 915-858-2932 - Ask to speak with Outreach and Enrollment Assisters
- County of El Paso General Assistance, 6314 Delta, 915-775-2726 - Contact: Maria Lopez, malopez@epcounty.com
- El Paso Center for Children, 2200 N. Stevens, 915-565-8361 -Contact: Jacqueline Flores, jflores@epccinc.org
- El Paso Child Guidance Center, 2701 E. Yandell, 915-562-1999, ext. 3000 - Contact: Betty Avila, bavila@epcfgc.org
- Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center, 1500 Yandell 915-283-4706 - Contact: Linda Corchado, lindacorchado@lasamericas.org
- Project BRAVO, 2000 Texas, 915-562-4100 - Email casemanagers@projectbravo.org
- Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc., 1331 Texas, 915-585-5115 - Contact: Gracie Martinez, gmartinez@trla.org
CIUDAD JUAREZ - No appointment necessary
- Centro de Inclusion Digital, Melquiades Alanis 6431, Col. San Lorenzo, 656-257-0136 - Hours: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. October 19, October 26, and November 2.
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