The Better Business Bureau is making a call out to consumers and business owners to nominate their favorite local business or employee for the upcoming Better Business Bureau’s Awards for Excellence.

The El Paso Better Business Bureau is encouraging the community to nominate their favorite local business and non-profit organizations while business owners can nominate outstanding employees for the BBB’s Awards for Excellence.

The BBB’s Awards for Excellence recognizes best business practices and continued commitment to the highest ethical standards in their interactions with consumers.

Nomination Guidelines:

  • Businesses and nonprofits may apply for the BBB Awards for Excellence HERE and online at
  • Submissions require a statement (written or short video) describing why that organization is qualified to win the award.
  • Third-parties may nominate an organization for an award(s) by providing a short statement regarding why they believe the organization should receive the award. The nominated organization will be notified and required to apply for the award on-line.
  • A business may nominate an employee for the Outstanding Employee Award.  The business will complete the application for this award, with no required submission by the employee.
  • Organizations may submit entries in one or more award categories.

Nominations are due by Friday, March 15, 2019 – For complete details and application forms go to

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