Monika’s Exclusive Interview With Cold War Kids
Monika recently sat down with Nathan Willett, the frontman of Cold War Kids in this exclusive KISS-FM interview.
Cold War Kids recently performed in El Paso at the 2nd annual El Paso Forever Concert benefitting YOU ROCK! An inclusive girls’ music camp launching next summer in 2020.
The rock camp aims to empower the youth in our community to a week of workshops by learning to play an instrument, collaborate with others, and write music all leading up to a public performance.
Nathan was super cool as we sat and talked about the band’s new album, New Age Norms 1 featuring their latest singles Complainer and July 4th. We also talked about the progression of the band throughout the years, how they keep the spark alive as a band and on stage along with a few fun questions in between.
View the exclusive video for more and check out Cold War Kids’ latest album, New Age Norms 1 out everywhere on November 1, 2019, and on the road on tour beginning in November through February 2020.