Luby’s Might Close All Locations – The Internet Goes Crazy
One of my favorite things in the whole world is going to grab lunch at Luby's. When I was a kid my family would go every Sunday for lunch with my grandparents. As I grew up I kind of turned up my nose at the thought of such an "old folks" type place but years ago I went back for lunch with my bestie and realized how much I really missed it. Grabbing a tray from the stack, those perfectly rolled utensils in a huge cloth napkin, picking out my faves, fried chicken, mac and cheese, and fried okra - ah memories.
I say memories because along with so many other things that COVID-19 has taken from us, the disease might also take Luby's from us as well. To be fair, it's not all the coronavirus outbreak's fault. Apparently, things have not been going well for Luby's for a while now. Yesterday's news that they might be closing forever came along with the news that they have been in dire financial trouble for quite some time.
A friend of mine told me her mom worked for Luby's for 40 years and was laid off when the coronavirus pandemic hit. She said they haven't been told if they would be returning to work but it probably won't happen unless the company, which is based out of Houston, finds a buyer. Another friend told me on Facebook that he has driven past the Luby's on Hawkins near Airway and it appears that the location is being cleared out. I drive by there on my way home and sadly, it looks like that to me too.
When the news came out, people took to the interwebs to mourn the possible closing of Luby's. There are some really hilarious reactions to such sad news. I swear, if I win the lotto, I'm buying Luby's. I can't live without my fried okra fix.
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