Winter in El Paso, Texas is for the most part… non-existent these days. Mother nature just doesn’t like getting the memo from El Paso.

While the rest of the country, and even some states in Texas, deal with blizzards and icy roads like seasoned pros, El Pasoans collectively panic at the sight of frost. 


At times the weather reports become the most dramatic show on TV, (as a former weather anchor I can admit that we can be a bit dramatic, but honestly it’s better to be prepared for the worst!) 

Even the slightest chill has us debating whether to break out the winter boots or just stay home. 

5 Hilarious and Relatable Signs It’s Winter in El Paso, Texas

If you’ve experienced winter in El Paso, Texas, here are five things you’ll definitely relate to!

Gallery Credit: CANVA

So, there you have it—proof that winter in El Paso is less about the cold and more about the chaos, comfort, and a whole lot of fun. Stay warm out there!


PHOTOS: El Paso, TX First Snow Day of 2025

Gallery Credit: Christian Churches

Protecting the 4 P’s in Freezing Temperature

When referring to "P's" during freezing temperatures, it means to focus on protecting People, Pets, Pipes, and Plants; essentially, taking steps to ensure these elements are safe during cold weather conditions.

Gallery Credit: CANVA

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