There are a lot of things in your house that you know have gone bad when they expire. Milk, yogurt, meat, cheese - there's no mistaking when those things are past their expiration date. There are other things in your house that you might now know can expire. They might not smell bad but they will stop working the way they should so check out this list of things that you didn't know could expire but do.

1. Bleach - We all bought a lot of bleach during the pandemic but it turns out bleach and other disinfectants become less useful after about 3 months. It's better to buy smaller containers so you use them up before you buy another.


2. Lotion - You probably use your favorite lotion pretty quickly but sometimes you get lotion in a perfume gift pack that you might not use as quickly. Over time the the way it moisturizes and smells will change so don't save it for a special occasion, use that lotion before it goes bad.

empty tubes of cream on a white background with tulips

3. Liquor - I'm sorry to tell you this but liquor doesn't last forever. I know, I know, you've had a bottle that you bought back in college and it's still perfectly good especially when you mix it with other stuff and can't taste it anymore. Get rid of it. The alcohol begins to evaporate and you'll notice a taste difference.

Composition with bottles of assorted alcoholic beverages.

4. Smoke detectors - Batteries will die but so do smoke detectors. They are only designed to last about 10 years. I didn't know this and had never changed my smoke detector but now I will. Better safe than sorry.


5. Sunscreen - We have to have sunscreen with the kind of brutal sun we get in El Paso during the spring and summer but it will lose its potency so if you bought your trusty bottle of SPF 50 more than 3 years ago, it's time to toss it.


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Below, Stacker sifted through movie databases, film histories, celebrity biographies and digital archives to compile this list of popular pint-sized actors from 1919 through 2021.

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